Titel / Titel: | Evaluating a Visual Search Interface. |
Author / Autor | Schleußinger, M., & Henkel, M. |
Source / Quelle | LIS2018. International Conference on Library and Information Science. Bangkok, Thailand, August 8-10 Vol. 1, No. 1(pp. 383-405). Taipeh, Taiwan: International Business Academics Consortium.
Language / Sprache | English / Englisch |
Abstract: Evaluation of information visualization and especially visual information systems is challenging. Metrics and methods need to be chosen with the intend of gaining specific and relevant evaluation data to prove the value of such systems. We suggest an evaluation based on the Information Service Evaluation Model (ISE) for information systems with visual result representation. Wepresent the results of a case study on the testing and implementation of a visual search engine in business.
Keywords: Development of Information and Knowledge Services, Information Visualization, Information Retrieval