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(2014) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. Learners' little helper. Invited talk at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, Oxford.

(2014) Baer-Henney, D. & Kügler, F. & R. van de Vijver. A gradient substantive learning bias in phonology. Talk to be held at 22nd Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester.

(2013) Baer-Henney, D. & Kügler, F. & R. van de Vijver. Learning irregular alternations: How language-specific and universal factors interact. Posterpräsentation bei 9. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung, Zürich.

(2013) van de Vijver, R. & Yildirim, Ü. & D. Baer-Henney. Confidence in generalizations: Turkish and German plural productivity. Talk at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Oldenburg.

(2013) Baer-Henney, D. & Kügler, F. & R. van de Vijver. The acquisition of morphophonemic alternations with exceptions. Posterpräsentation bei 21. Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester.

(2012) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. On the development of the productivity of plural suffixes in German. Talk at Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 37), Boston.

(2012) Baer-Henney, D. & Kügler, F. & R. van de Vijver. The interaction of L1 phonotactics and substance during acquisition of morphophonemic alternations with exceptions. Posterpräsentation bei LabPhon 13, Stuttgart.

(2012) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. On the acquisition of alternations in German nouns. Talk at Sattelite Workshop of LabPhon 13: Phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity. Final Symposium of the DFG Priority programme 1234, Stuttgart.

(2012) Baer-Henney, D. & R. van de Vijver. Substance, locality and amount of exposure in the acquisition of morphophonemic alternations. Invited talk at Graduiertenkolleg DFG GRK 1624 „Frequenzeffekte in der Sprache“, Freiburg.

(2012) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. The interaction of frequency and other fac- tors in the acquisition of morphophonological alternations. Invited talk at Graduiertenkolleg DFG GRK 1624 „Frequenzeffekte in der Sprache“, Freiburg.

(2012) Baer-Henney, D. & R. van de Vijver. What makes a difference? Substance, locality and amount of exposure in the acquisition of morphophonemic alternations. Talk at 9. Old World Conference in Phonology, Berlin.

(2011) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. Voice less, front more. On the development of knowledge of voicing and vowel alternations in German nouns by 5 year-olds, 7 year-olds and adults. Talk at Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 36), Boston.

(2011) Baer-Henney, D. & R. van de Vijver. Not all are equal: On the interaction between substance, locality and amount of exposure in the acquisition of morphophonemic alternations. Talk at 7. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung, Osnabrück.

(2011) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. On the productivity of voicing and vowel alternation in German. Talk at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Thessaloniki.

(2011) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. The acquisition of voicing and vowel alterna- tions in German morphophonology. Talk at 6. jährliches Treffen des SPP 1234, Marburg.

(2011) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. On the role of substance and frequency in generalizing alternations to nonces by adults and children. Talk at 8. Old World Conference in Phonology, Marrakesch.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. The role of containment and rules in the acquisition of underlying forms. Talk at Conference on Competing Motivations, Leipzig.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. Acquisition of alternations. Talk at 5. jährliches Treffen des SPP 1234, München.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. Acquisition of voicing and vowel alternations in German. Posterpräsentation bei Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 35), Boston.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. Acquisition of alternations. Talk at 6. Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung, Frankfurt a.M..

(2010) Baer-Henney, D. & R. van de Vijver. Learning morphophonemic alternations: Effects of naturalness and frequency. Posterpräsentation bei 18. Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. An experimental study of the acquisition of natural and unnatural alternations by German children. Posterpräsentation bei 7. Old World Conference in Phonology, Nizza.