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Studies and Teaching

Semantics is a chair of the Institute of linguistics located at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, and has been occupied by Professor Hana Filip since 2010. In addition, there are some research assistants who support the Chair of Semantics in research and teaching. In teaching, the Chair of Semantics serves Bachelor's and Master's programs in linguistics and computational linguistics. Doctoral studies are also possible. The main areas of research and teaching are formal semantics and its interfaces with pragmatics, logic, syntax, and morphology, as well as related topics in the philosophy of language and in some other areas of cognitive science. The specific topics we deal with are related to aspect, genericity, countability in nominal and verbal domains, interaction of nominal semantics with verbal aspect, cross-linguistic and typological semantics, (in)definiteness, context dependency in semantic interpretation, integration of formal and lexical semantics.
The research is currently among others with the DFG Project "Individuation of Eventualities and Abstract Things" (2020-2024) representeted.


COLLOQUIUM: Meaning in Language

TIME: Mittwoch 10:30 - 12:00 Uhr
online via zoom

Campus:  Gebäude 23.21 / Raum 04.23