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  • Tjuka, A., Nguyen, H. T. T., van de Vijver, R., & Spalek, K. (2024). Investigating the variation of intonation contours in Northern Vietnamese tones. Frontiers in Education, 9, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2024.1411660 
  • Bergmann, B., Lu, Y., & Spalek, K. (2023). The Influence of Focus on the Activation of Alternatives in Speech Production—An Online Picture-Word-Interference Experiment. Languages, 8, 110. doi.org/10.3390/languages8020110
  • Gotzner, N., & Spalek, K. (2022). Expectations about upcoming discourse referents: Effects of pitch accents and focus particles in German language production. International Review of Pragmatics, 14, 77-94.
  • Bergmann, B. & Spalek, K. (2022). Focus and Context: How Speakers Create Alternative Sets. in
    Robin Hörnig, Sophie von Wietersheim, Andreas Konietzko & Sam Featherston (eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020: Linguistic Theory Enriched by Experimental Data pp. 499–517
    Tübingen: University of Tübingen
  • Repp, S. & Spalek, K. (2021). The role of alternatives in language. Frontiers in Communication, 6, 111.
  • Koch, X. & Spalek, K. (2021). Contrastive intonation effects on word recall for information-structural alternatives across the sexes. Memory & Cognition, 1-22. 
  • Tjuka, A., Nguyen, H. T. T., & Spalek, K. (2020). Foxes, deer, and hedgehogs: The recall of focus alternatives in Vietnamese. Laboratory Phonology, 11(1):16, 1-29.
  • Jördens, K. A., Gotzner, N., & Spalek, K. (2020). The role of non-categorical relations in establishing focus alternative sets. Language and Cognition, 1-26.
  • Burmester, J., Spalek, K., & Wartenburger, I. (2019). Visual attention-capture cue in depicted scenes fails to modulate online sentence processing. Dialogue and Discourse, 10, 79-104.
  • Ndao, A.-L., & Spalek, K. (2019). What’s the alternative? Experimental research on the extent of focus alternative sets. In: A. Gattnar, R. Hörnig, M. Störzer, & S. Featherston (eds.). Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018: Experimental Data Drives Linguistic Theory. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.
  • Spalek, K., & Oganian, Y. (2019). The neurocognitive signature of focus alternatives. Brain and Language, 194, 98-108.
  • Gotzner, N., & Spalek, K. (2019). The life and times of focus alternatives: Tracing the activation of alternatives to a focused constituent in language comprehension. Language and Linguistics Compass, 13, e12310.
  • Burmester, J., Sauermann, A., Spalek, K., & Wartenburger, I. (2018). Sensitivity to salience: linguistic vs. visual cues affect sentence processing and pronoun resolution. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 33, 748-801.
  • Czypionka, A., Spalek., K., Wartenburger, I., & Krifka, M. (2017). On the interplay of object animacy and verb type during sentence comprehension in German: ERP evidence from the processing of transitive dative and accusative constructions. Linguistics, 55, 1383-1433.
  • Spalek, K.*, & Zeldes, A.* (2017).  Converging evidence for the relevance of alternative sets: Data from NPs with focus sensitive particles in German. Language and Cognition, 9, 24-51. *shared first authorship
  • Gotzner, N., & Spalek, K. (2017). The role of contrastive and non-contrastive alternatives in the interpretation of focus particles. Discourse Processes, 54, 638-654.
  • Lorimor, H., Jackson, C. N., Spalek, K., & van Hell, J. (2016). The impact of notional number and grammatical gender on number agreement with conjoined noun phrases. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 31, 646-661.
  • Gotzner, N., Wartenburger, I., & Spalek, K. (2016). The impact of focus particles on the recognition and rejection of contrastive alternatives. Language and Cognition, 8, 59-95.
  • Oganian, Y., Conrad, M., Aryani, A., Heekeren H.R., & Spalek, K. (2016). Interplay of bigram frequency and orthographic neighborhood statistics in language membership decision. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 19, 578-596.
  • Oganian, Y., Conrad, M., Aryani, A., Spalek, K.*, & Heekeren, H.R.* (2015). Activation patterns throughout the word processing network of L1-dominant bilinguals reflect language similarity and language decisions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 2197-2214. * shared senior authorship
  • Rose, B. J., Spalek, K., & Abdel-Rahman, R. (2015). Listening to puns elicits the co-activation of alternative homophone meanings during language production. Plos One, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130853.
  • Gotzner, N. & Spalek, K. (2014). Exhaustive inferences and additive presuppositions: The interplay of focus operators and contrastive intonation. In J. Degen, M. Franke, & N. Goodman (Eds.), Proceedings of the Formal & Experimental Pragmatics Workshop, 7-13, Tübingen.
  • Damian, M. F. & Spalek, K. (2014). Processing different kinds of semantic relations in picture-word interference with non-masked and masked distractors. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01183.
  • Burmester, J., Spalek, K., & Wartenburger, I. (2014). Context updating during sentence comprehension: The effect of aboutness topic. Brain & Language, 137, 62-76.
  • Spalek, K., Hoshino, N., Wu, Y.-J., Damian, M. F., & Thierry, G. L. (2014). Speaking two languages at once: unconscious native word form access in second language production. Cognition, 133, 226-231.
  • Spalek, K., Gotzner, N., & Wartenburger, I. (2014). Not only the apples: Focus sensitive particles improve memory for information-structural alternatives. Journal of Memory and Language, 70, 68-84.
  • Burmester, J., Wartenburger, I., & Spalek, K. (2013). The effect of discourse context on online sentence processing. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 251-256). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.  
  • Gotzner, N., Spalek, K., & Wartenburger, I. (2013). How pitch accents and focus particles affect the recognition of contextual alternatives. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2434-2439). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.  
  • Hutson, J., Damian, M.F., & Spalek, K. (2013). Distractor frequency effects in picture-word interference tasks with vocal and manual responses. Language and Cognitive Processes, 28, 615-632.
  • Spalek, K. & Damian, M. F. (2013). Picture-word interference with masked and visible distractors: Different types of semantic relatedness inhibit lexical selection. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1366-1371). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.  
  • Spalek, K., Damian, M. F., & Bölte, J. (2013). Is lexical selection in spoken word production competitive? Introduction to the Special Issue on lexical competition in language production. Language and Cognitive Processes, 28, 597-614. 
  • Spalek, K. (2012). Einfluss des Leistungsstandes auf die Sprachproduktion mehrsprachiger Sprecher [The influence of proficiency on speech production of bilingual speakers]. In: Spalek, K. & Domke, J. (Hgg.). Sprachliche Variationen, Varietäten und Kontexte: Beiträge zu psycholinguistischen Schnittstellen. Festschrift für Rainer Dietrich. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 169-186.
  • Spalek, K. & Domke, J. (Hgg.) (2012). Sprachliche Variationen, Varietäten und Kontexte: Beiträge zu psycholinguistischen Schnittstellen. Festschrift für Rainer Dietrich [Linguistic variation, varieties, and contexts: Contributions to psycholinguistic interfaces]. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.
  • Damian, M. F., Bowers, J. S., Stadthagen-Gonzalez, H., & Spalek, K. (2010). Does word length constrain the spoken production of single words? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36, 892-905.
  • Spalek, K., Bock, K. & Schriefers, H. (2010). A purple giraffe is faster than a purple elephant: Inconsistent phonology affects determiner selection in English. Cognition, 114, 123-128.
  • Spalek, K., & Thompson-Schill, S. L. (2008). Task-dependent semantic interference in language production: An fMRI study. Brain and Language, 107, 220-228.
  • Spalek, K., Franck, J., Schriefers, H., & Frauenfelder, U. (2008). Phonological regularities and grammatical gender retrieval in spoken word recognition and word production. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 37, 419-442.
  • Lemhöfer, K., Spalek, K., & Schriefers, H. (2008). Cross-language effects of grammatical gender in bilingual word recognition and production. Journal of Memory and Language, 59, 312-330.
  • Perdijk, K., Spalek, K., & Schriefers, H. (2007). Syntactic and strategic forces in picture naming: Gender retrieval in blocked priming experiments. Language and Cognitive Processes, 22, 501-526.
  • Spalek, K. & Schriefers, H. J. (2005). Dominance affects determiner selection in language production. Journal of Memory and Language, 52, 103-119.