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10,000 Steps a Day for Health? User-based Evaluation of Wearable Activity Trackers.


Ilhan, A., & Henkel, M.


Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 3 – 6, 2018, Waikoloa Village (pp. 3376-3385). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society.




We present the results of a survey on perceived service quality and service acceptance of activity trackers with a focus on country-based differences (US and Germany). The mutual influence of perceived service quality and service acceptance is being investigated. A new research focus based on activity trackers is the topic of medical health funds. Are users ready to share activity data with health insurance and expecting rewards in return? This study (N=803) supplements previous research which is mainly based on small sample sizes or qualitative results. Our research model is based on the Information Service Evaluation (ISE) model which includes common models such as TAM and UTAUT. Results show that aspects such as Fun, Gamification, Impact and Usefulness are very important regarding activity tracker use. Furthermore, user’s opinion on the support of medical healthcare funds and reducing medical fees is rather positive and significantly differentiates between US and German participants.
