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Motivations to Join Fitness Communities on Facebook: Which Gratifications are Sought and Obtained?


Ilhan, A.


G. Meiselwitz (Ed.), Social Computing and Social Media. Technologies and Analytics (Part II) (pp. 50–67). Cham, Switzerland: Springer (Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, 10914).






Publisher Webseite


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Motivations to Join Fitness Communities on Facebook: Which Gratifications are Sought and Obtained?


Activity trackers are providing their users data on health and fitness. They measure, for instance, heart rates, record exercises and sleeping quality, and display burned calories. On Facebook, there are many activity- and fitness-related groups. Why are users of activity trackers joining and consequently using such groups? In order to answer this basic question two theoretical approaches are adapted. Firstly, the Uses and Gratifications Theory (U&GT) identified gratifications, which are sought and obtained – in our case within those Facebook groups. Secondly, the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is used to understand if the activities of users are caused by extrinsic or intrinsic motivations. For the purpose of this study an online survey was developed and distributed in 20 activity tracker- or fitness-related Facebook groups. All in all, data from 445 participants, who all are group members and are using an activity tracker, were evaluated.
