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Titel / Titel:Exploring Media and Information Literacy in Early Childhood with a Digital App.
Author / Autor

Henkel, M.

Source / Quelle

In LIS 2019. Proceedings of the International Conference on Library and Information Science. Sapporo, Japan, January 19-21, 2019. Vol. 5, No. 1 (pp. 135-153). Taipeh, Taiwan: International Business Academics Consortium.

Language / SpracheGerman / Deutsch


To assess the current role of digital media in early childhood and to learn more about digital information literacy of young children, we designed and conducted an extensive survey with children from three to six years, their parents and their kindergarten teachers. After visiting 12 kindergartens in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in this work, we will describe our methods and summarize first results of the survey. We will describe how our participants interacted with the interview app and how their media use is described by them and their parents. Furthermore, we will talk about the infrastructure in kindergartens and about the parent’s opinion concerning media education in kindergarten.

Keywords: Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Digital Literacy, Kindergarten, Early Childhood, New Media, Digital Natives, Digital Technology.