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Open Data / Open Government

Open Government

Ansprechpartner: Dr. Agnes Mainka, Dr. Tobias Siebenlist

Die Forschung im Bereich Open Government bezieht sich auf unterschiedliche Bereiche der Transformation von Verwaltung im 21sten Jahrhundert. Zum einen geht es um die Digitalisierung von Verwaltung sowie die Öffnung von Daten zur freien Wiederverwendung als Open Data. Zum anderen um einen Kulturwandel in der Verwaltung, die durch den Einsatz von Open Innovation Bürger, Unternehmen und andere Stakeholder in Verwaltungsentscheidungen zunehmend einbezieht.


Siebenlist, T., & Mainka, A. (in press). Empowerment of Citizens to Become Smart Citizens. Libellarium: Journal For The Research Of Writing, Books, And Cultural Heritage Institutions.

Siebenlist, T., & Mainka, A. (2018). Culture of openness: the beginning of open government in municipalities in Germany. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age (dg.o '18), Anneke Zuiderwijk and Charles C. Hinnant (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 59, 6 pages. DOI: undefinedhttps://doi.org/10.1145/3209281.3209365

Akyürek, H., Scholl, C., Stodden, R., Siebenlist, T., & Mainka, A. (2018). Maturity and usability of open data in North Rhine-Westphalia. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age (dg.o '18), Anneke Zuiderwijk and Charles C. Hinnant (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 18, 10 pages. DOI: undefinedhttps://doi.org/10.1145/3209281.3209345

Mainka, A., Siebenlist, T., & Beutelspacher, L. (2018). Citizen Participation: Case Study on Participatory Apps in Germany. In Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018 (WWW '18). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, 915-918. DOI: undefinedhttps://doi.org/10.1145/3184558.3191518

Mainka, A., & Siebenlist, T. (2018). Open Government: Stand in NRW. Kommune 21, 4/2018, 24-25.

Hartmann, S., Mainka, A., & Stock, W. G. (2018). Innovation contests: How to engage citizens in solving urban problems? In M. D. Lytras, L. Daniela, & A. Visvizi (Eds.), Enhancing Knowledge Discovery and Innovation in the Digital Age (pp. 254-273). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Fietkiewicz, K. J., Mainka, M., & Stock, W. G. (2017).  eGovernment in cities of the knowledge society. An empirical investigation of Smart Cities’ governmental websites. Government Information Quarterly, 34(1), 75-83.

Hartmann, S., Mainka, A., & Stock, W. G. (2016). Opportunities and challenges for civic engagement: A global investigation of innovation competitions. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, (7)3, 1-15.

Mainka, A., Castelnovo, W., Miettinen, V., Bech-Petersen, S., Hartmann, S., & Stock, W. G. (2016). Open innovation in smart cities: Participation and co-creation of public services. In Proceedings of the 79th ASIS&T Annual Meeting (Vol. 53). Creating Knowledge, Enhancing Lives through Information & Technology. Copenhagen, Oct. 14-18, 2016 (5 pp.).

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Meschede, C., Stock, W. G. (2016). Open Government: Transforming data into value added city services. In M. Foth, M. Brynskov, and T. Ojala (eds), Citizen´s right to the Digital City. Singapore: Springer.

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Stock, W. G., & Peters, I. (2015). Looking for friends and followers: A global investigation of governmental social media use. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 9(2), pp.237 - 254.

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Meschede, C., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Mobile Application Services Based Upon Open Urban Government Data. In Proceedings of the iConference 2015: Create, Collaborate, Celebrate. 24.-27. March 2015, Newport Beach, California, USA. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: iSchools, IDEALS.

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Stock, W. G., & Peters, I. (2014). Government and social media: A case study of 31 informational world cities. In Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 6-9 January 2014, Waikoloa, Hawaii (pp. 1715-1724). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society.

Mainka, A., Fietkiewicz, K., Kosior, A., Pyka, S., & Stock, W. G. (2013). Maturity and usability of e-government in informational world cities. In E. Ferrari & W. Castelnovo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on e-Government. University of Insubria Varese, Italy, 13-14 June 2013 (pp. 292-300). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International (ACPI).

Hartmann, S., Mainka, A. & Peters, I. (2013). Government Activities in Social Media. An Empirical Investigation of eGovernments in Informational World Cities. In Proceedings of CeDEM the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government, Krems, Austria (pp. 173-186).