Title / Titel: | Tag Clusters as Information Retrieval Interfaces. |
Author / Autor: | Knautz,K., Soubusta, S., & Stock W.G. |
Source / Quelle: | Proceedings of the 43th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-43), January 5-8, 2010. IEEE Computer Society Press (10 pages) |
Language / Sprache: | English / Englisch |
Tag Clusters as Information Retrieval Interfaces.
The paper presents our design of a next generation information retrieval system based on tag co-occurrences and subsequent clustering. We help users getting access to digital data through information visualization in the form of tag clusters. Current problems like the absence of interactivity and semantics between tags or the difficulty of adding additional search arguments are solved. In the evaluation, based upon SERVQUAL and IT systems quality indicators, we found out that tag clusters are perceived as more useful than tag clouds, are much more trustworthy, and are more enjoyable to use.