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Isabelle Dorsch


(032) Schlögl, C., Stock, W. G., Dorsch, I., & Reichmann, G. (2022). Bibliographic dataset about the publications (2009 – 2018) and their Web of Science citations of two university institutes (Department of Information Science at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany, Institute of Information Science and Information Systems at the University of Graz, Austria). Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7263222.

(031) Herrmann, C., Rhein, S., & Dorsch, I. (2022). #fridaysforfuture – What does Instagram tell us about a social movement? Journal of Information Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1177/01655515211063620

(030) Reichmann, G., Schlögl, C., Stock, W. G., & Dorsch, I. (2022). Forschungsevaluation auf Institutsebene – Der Einfluss der gewählten Methodik auf die Ergebnisse. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 44(1), 74-97.

(029) Gutzeit, J., Dorsch, I., & Stock, W. G. (2022). Giving and Following Recommendations on Video-on-Demand Services. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 4–7, 2022, Hyatt Regancy, Maui (pp. 3339–3348). Maui, HI: HICSS (ScholarSpace). http://hdl.handle.net/10125/79743

(028) Herrmann, C., Rhein, S., Dorsch, I. (2021). A Social Network Analysis of the Fridays for Future Movement. In Statistische Woche (14.-17. November 2021), Online als Videokonferenz.

(027) Dorsch, I., Jeffrey, A., Ebrahimzadeh, S., Maggio, L., & Haustein, S. (2021). Metrics Literacies: On the State of the Art of Scholarly Metrics Education. In Proceedings of the ISSI 2021 (pp. 1465-1466).

(026) Kamrani, P., Dorsch, I., & Stock, W. G. (2021). Do researchers know what the h-index is? And how do they estimate its importance? Scientometrics, 126(7), 5489-5508.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-021-03968-1

(025) Gutzeit, J., Dorsch, I., & Stock, W.G. (2021). Information Behavior on Video on Demand Services, Information, 12(4), 173. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/info12040173

(024) Hönings, H., Knapp, D., Nguyễn, B. C., Richter, D., Williams, Dorsch, I. & Fietkiewicz, K. J. (2021). Health information diffusion on Twitter: A case study of the World Health Organisation. Health Information and Libraries Journal. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12361  


(023) Dorsch, I., Fietkiewicz, K. J., Ilhan, A., Meschede, C., & Siebenlist, T. (Hrsg.) (2020). Facetten von Wolf Stock und ihre Bedeutung für die Informationswissenschaft. Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, Glückstadt, 2020.

(022) Kamrani, P., Dorsch, I., & Stock, W. G. (2020). Publikationen, Zitationen und H-Index im Meinungsbild deutscher Universitätsprofessoren. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 42(3), 78-98.

(021) Huvila, I., Ilhan, A., & Dorsch, I. (2020). Guest editorial. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 72 (4), 441-444. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/AJIM-07-2020-372 [Editors for  the special issue: Showcasing Doctoral Research in Information Science].

(020) Dorsch, I., Ebrahimzadeh, S., Jeffrey, A., & Haustein, S. (2020). Metrics Literacies: Introduction of researcher personas for the understanding and use of scholarly metrics in academia. (Version v1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4046019

(019) Dorsch, I. (2020). Hashtags on Instagram: Self-created or Mediated by Best Practices and Tools? In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

(018) Dorsch, I. (2019). Trends der Informationswissenschaft: Suchmaschinen und Information Retrieval. Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, Band 70(4), 203–205. DOI: doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2019-2025

(017) Philipps J., Dorsch I. (2019). Gender-Specific Tagging of Images on Instagram. In: Meiselwitz G. (eds) Social Computing and Social Media. Design, Human Behavior and Analytics. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11578. Springer, Cham

(016) Dorsch, I. (2019). Becoming Metric‐Wise: A Bibliometric Guide for Researchers. Ronald Rousseau, Leo Egghe, and Raf Guns. Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing, 2018. 402 pp. $125.00 (paperback). (ISBN 9780081024744). Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 70(5), 530-532.

(015) Nikolic, J., Dorsch, I., Scheibe, K., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Country-specific Sentiment on Microblogs. In Hawaii University / International Conferences. 8th Annual Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education Conference. Prince Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii. January 3, 4, & 5, 2019 (18 pp.). Honolulu, HI: Hawaii University.

(014) Alperin, J. P., Dumas, C., Karami, A., Moscrop, D., Singh, V., Zamir, H., Ilhan, A., & Dorsch, I. (2018). Politicians & the Public: The Analysis of Political Communication in Social Media. In Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Nov 10-14, 2018, Vancouver, Canada (pp. 646-649). Silver Spring, MD: Association for Information Science and Technology.

(013) DePaula, N., Million, A.J., Fietkiewicz, K.J., Froehlich, T., Dorsch, I., & Ilhan, A. (2018). Challenges for Social Media: Misinformation, Free Speech, Civic Engagement, and Data Regulations. In Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Nov 10-14, 2018, Vancouver, Canada (pp. 665-668). Silver Spring, MD: Association for Information Science and Technology.

(012) Fietkiewicz, K. J., Dorsch, I., Scheibe, K., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2018). Dreaming of Stardom and Money: Micro-celebrities and Influencers on Live Streaming Services. In: Meiselwitz G. (eds) Social Computing and Social Media. User Experience and Behavior. SCSM 2018 (pp. 240-253). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 10913).

(011) Dorsch, I. (2018). Content description on a mobile image sharing service: Hashtags on Instagram. Journal of Information Science in Theory and Practice, 6(2), 46-61.

(010) Dorsch, I., Askeridis, J., & Stock, W. G. (2018). Truebounded, overbounded, or underbounded? Scientists' personal publication lists versus lists generated through bibliographic information services. Publications, 6(1), 1-9.


(009) Ilhan, A., Henkel, M., Dorsch, I., & Meschede, C. (2017). Diversifizierung der Informationswissenschaft: Social Media, Open Innovation, Altmetrics. Open Password 312(1).

(008) Dorsch, I., Schlögl, C., Stock, W. G., & Rauch, W. (2017). Forschungsthemen der Düsseldorfer und Grazer Informationswissenschaft (2010 bis 2016). Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 68(5-6), 320-328.

(007) Dorsch, I., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2017). Image indexing through hashtags in Instagram. In 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Washington, DC, Oct. 27 - Nov. 1, 2017 (pp. 658-659). DOI: 10.1002/pra2.2017.14505401105.

(006) Ilhan, A., & Dorsch, I. (2017). Alcohol, sex and smoking: Adolescents on Facebook and their self-presentation behavior. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Library and Information Science (LIS) (pp. 62-81). Taipeh, Taiwan: International Business Academics Consortium.

(005) Dorsch, I. (2017). Relative Visibility of Authors´Publications in Different Information Services. Scientometrics, 112(2), 917-925.  DOI 10.1007/s11192-017-2416-9.

(004) Dorsch, I., & Ilhan, A. (2016). Photo Publication Behavior of Adolescents on Facebook. In K. Knautz, & K. S. Baran (Eds.), Facets of Facebook: Use and Users (pp. 45-71). Berlin, Germany, Boston, MA: De Gruyter Saur. (Knowledge & Information. Studies in Information Science).

(003) Dorsch, I., & Frommelius, N. (2015). A Scientometric Approach to Determine and Analyze Productivity, Impact and Topics Based upon Personal Publication Lists. In F. Pehar, C. Schlögl, C. Wolff (Eds.), Re:inventing Information Science in the Networked Society. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2015), Zadar, Croatia, 19th-21st May 2015 (pp. 578-580). Glückstadt, Germany: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch.

(002) Honka, A., Orszullok, L., Dorsch, I., & Frommelius, N. (2015). Topical Impact Analysis. A New Informetric Indicator for the Assessment of a Scientific Institution. In F. Pehar, C. Schlögl, C. Wolff (Eds.), Re:inventing Information Science in the Networked Society. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2015), Zadar, Croatia, 19th-21st May 2015 (pp. 410-421). Glückstadt, Germany: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch.

(001) Friedländer, M. B. (2014). Informationswissenschaft an deutschsprachigen Universitäten - eine komparative informetrische Analyse. Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 65(2), 109-119.
Anmerkung: Sprecherin von Mathilde B. Friedländer (2014)


(015) Gutzeit, J., Dorsch, I. , Stock, W. G. (2022). Giving and Following Recommendations on Video-on-Demand Services. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 4–7, 2022, Hyatt Regancy, Maui (pp. 3339–3348). Maui, HI: HICSS (ScholarSpace). [online, pre-recorded presentation] http://hdl.handle.net/10125/79743

(014) Dorsch, I., Jeffrey, A., Ebrahimzadeh, S., Maggio, L., & Haustein, S. (2021). Metrics Literacies: On the State of the Art of Scholarly Metrics Education. In Proceedings of the ISSI 2021 (pp. 1465-1466). [Poster presentation]

(013) Dorsch, I. (2021). Kommunikation und Vermessung der Wissenschaft: Wie alles begann und wie es weitergeht.  Ringvorlesung Informationswissenschaft: Bürgeruniversität HHU. [online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoFdxqwmQnA]

(012) Jeffrey, A., Dorsch, I., Ebrahimzadeh, S., & Haustein, S. (2021). Metrics Literacies: Improving Understanding and Use of Scholarly Metrics in Academia. OLA Super Conference 2021, February, 2-6, 2021.

(011) Dorsch, I. (2020). Hashtags on Instagram: Self-created or Mediated by Best Practices and Tools? In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 7–10, 2020, Grand Wailea, Maui (p. 2771–2780). Honolulu, HI: HICSS (ScholarSpace). DOI: https://doi.org/10.24251/HICSS.2020.338  [Paper presentation]

(010) Philipps J., Dorsch I. (2019). Gender-Specific Tagging of Images on Instagram. In: Meiselwitz G. (Ed.), Social Computing and Social Media. Design, Human Behavior and Analytics. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11578. Springer, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21902-4_29 [Paper presentation]

(009) Nikolic, J., Dorsch, I., Scheibe, K., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Country-specific sentiment on microblogs. In Proceedings of the 2019 Hawaii University International Conferences on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education (AHSE) (18 pp.). Honolulu, HI: Hawaii University.

(008) Alperin, J. P., Dumas, C., Karami, A., Moscrop, D., Singh, V., Zamir, H., Ilhan, A., & Dorsch, I. (2018). Politicians & the Public: The Analysis of Political Communication in Social Media. In Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Nov 10-14, 2018, Vancouver, Canada (pp. 646-649). Silver Spring, MD: Association for Information Science and Technology. [Panel moderation]

(007) DePaula, N., Fietkiewicz, K. J., Froehlich T. J., Million, A. J., Dorsch, I. & Ilhan, A. (2018). Challenges for Social Media: Misinformation, Free Speech, Civic Engagement, and Data Regulations. In Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Nov 10-14, 2018, Vancouver, Canada (pp. 665-668). Silver Spring, MD: Association for Information Science and Technology. [Panel moderation]

(006) Fietkiewicz, K. J., Dorsch, I., Scheibe, K., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2018). Dreaming of Stardom and Money: Micro-celebrities and Influencers on Live Streaming Services. In Meiselwitz G. (Eds.) Social Computing and Social Media. User Experience and Behavior. SCSM 2018, (pp. 240-253). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 10913). DOI: doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91521-0_18. [Paper presentation]


(005) Dorsch, I., & Askeridis, J. M. (2017). Measuring Online Visibility with the Relative Visibility Indicator and Personal Publication Lists. 22nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy (NWB'2017), Helsinki, Finland, Nov. 8 – 10, 2017. [Workshop presentation]

(004) Dorsch, I., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2017). Image Indexing through Hashtags in Instagram. In 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Washington, DC, Oct. 27 – Nov. 1, 2017 (pp. 658-659). DOI: 10.1002/pra2.2017.14505401105. [Poster presentation]

(003) Dorsch, I. (2017). Relative Visibility: Methodological Considerations on a New Scientometric Indicator Based upon Personal Publication Lists. ASIS&T SIG/MET Metrics 2017: ASIS&T Workshop on Informetrics and Scientometrics Research, 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Washington, DC, Oct. 27 – Nov. 1, 2017. [Workshop presentation]

(002) Ilhan, A., & Dorsch, I. (2017). Alcohol, Sex and Smoking: Adolescents on Facebook and their Self-Presentation Behavior. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Library and Information Science (LIS) (pp. 62-81). Taipeh, Taiwan: International Business Academics Consortium. [Paper presentation]

(001) Dorsch, I., & Frommelius, N. (2015). A Scientometric Approach to Determine and Analyze Productivity, Impact and Topics Based upon Personal Publication Lists. 14th International Symposium of Information Science - ISI 2015. 19. - 21. 5. 2015. Zadar, Croatia University of Zada. [Poster presentation]


(005) November 2021: #fridaysforfuture - What Does Instagram Tell Us about a Social Movement?, 60 Minuten, Business Intelligence Seminar
Karl Franzens University Graz, Austria

(004) September 2018:  “Hashtags on lnstagram: Content Description on a Mobile Image Sharing Service”, 38 Minuten, ISI 5302 Knowledge Organization Seminar, University of Ottawa, Canada

(003) März 2016: “Publikations-, Zitations- und Themenanalysen der Informationswissenschaft in Graz – Eine empirische szientometrische Studie“ [“Publication, Impact and Topic Analyses of Information Science in Graz – an Empirical Scientometric Study”], 90 Minuten, Karl Franzens University Graz, Austria

(002) März 2016: “Selbstdarstellung auf Facebook: Eine Fallstudie über die Foto Verwendung von Jugendlichen“ [“Self-presentation on Facebook: A Case Study on the Photo Use of Adolescents”], 90 Minuten, Karl Franzens University Graz, Austria

(001) März 2014: “Informationswissenschaft an deutschsprachigen Universitäten – Eine komparative informetrische Analyse“ [“Information Science at German-Speaking Unversities – A Comparativ Informetric Analysis“], 90 Minuten, Karl Franzens University Graz, Austria

Workshops & Events

(003) (2020). Symposium Information Science Trends: Health information behaviour, hosted by the European Chapter of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T).

(002) (2019). Symposium Information Science Trends: Search Engines and Information Retrieval, hosted by the European Chapter of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T).

(001) Khazraee, E., Rhinesmith, C., Dumas, C., Bossaller, J., Simons, R., Ilhan, A., & Dorsch I. (2018). The 14th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: Sociotechnical perspective on ethics and governance of emerging information technologies. Workshop during the 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology, Nov 10-14, 2018, Vancouver, Canada.

Vergangene Lehrveranstaltungen

  • Digital Humanities - Your student research project (SS 2021)
  • Von Peer-Review bis Impact Factor: Grundlagen der Forschungsevaluation und Scholarly Communication (SS 2021)
  • Studi 2.0 – Der mitforschenden Studierenden (WS 2020/21)
  • Von Peer Review bis Impact Factor: Grundlagen der Forschungsevaluation und Scholarly Communication (WS 2020/21)
  • Studi 2.0 – der mitforschende Student (SS 2020)  
  • Berufsfelder der Informationswissenschaft (WS 2019/2020)
  • Studi 2.0 – der mitforschende Student (WS 2019/2020)
  • Teamprojekt “Health information diffusion on Twitter: A case study of the World Health Organisation” (SS 2019/WS 2019/2020)
  • Studi 2.0 – der mitforschende Student (SS 2019)
  • Studi 2.0 – der mitforschende Student (WS 2018/2019)
  • Berufsfelder der Informationswissenschaft (WS 2018/2019)
  • Prüfungsvorbereitung Wissensrepräsentation (Vorlesung + Übung) (SS 2018)
  • Aufbauseminar Instagram Forschung (WS 2017/2018)
  • Basisseminar Aufbau von Wissensordnungen (WS 2016/2017)
  • Basisseminar Recherchieren im Deep Web (SS 2017)
  • Übung Wissensrepräsentation (SS 2017)
  • Basisseminar Aufbau von Wissensordnungen (WS 2016/2017)
  • Übung Wissensrepräsentation (SS 2016)
  • Übung Information Retrieval (WS 2015/2016)
  • Übung Wissensrepräsentation (SS 2015)
  • Übung Information Retrieval (WS 2014/2015)


Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten

  • Social Media 
    • Online Kommunikation 
    • Live Streaming Services
    • Informationsverhalten
    • Social Tagging
    • Visuelle Medien in Social Media
  • Bibliometrische oder szientometrische Studien
  • Scholarly Communication
  • h-Index oder andere Indikatoren zur Forschungsevaluation (Scholarly research metrics indicators)
  • Open Access 
  • Altmetrics
  • Wissensrepräsentation 
  • und weitere Themen nach Absprache