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Study organisation

At the Institute of Linguistics, integrative courses in which several subjects contribute to a joint course of study, and supplementary subjects can be studied. Bachelor of arts, master of arts and the doctorate are offered.


  • Bachelor of Arts Information Science and Language Technology  (expired 30.09.2020)
  • Bachelor of Arts Information Science as a supplementary subject (expired 30.09.2020)
  • Master of Arts Information Science and Language Technology (expiring 30.09.2022)

Bachelor Linguistics
(integrative and complementary subject)

Univ. Prof. Dr. Kilu von Prince

Master Linguistics
Apl.-Prof. Dr. Ruben van de Vijver

Bachelor Computational Linguistics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laura Kallmeyer

Bachelor Information Science 
(integrative and complementary subject)

via the secretariat of the department -

Master Information Science and Language Technology
via the secretariat of the department -


Computational Linguistics

General questions: Linguistics and  Computational Linguistics
Tim Marton, Olga Böse & Janine Willems

Information Science
The secretariat of the department -

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